Art and Mental Health For Youths

Understanding the importance of a sound mind as a tool for promoting peace and community development, Value Health Africa in collaboration with the delegation of Arts and Culture organized a 2 days workshop for young artists under the theme “ engaging youths in creative arts as a means to foster sustainable development. A workshop was held on the 15th of April 2021 where youths were drilled on several topics including identifying artistic talent, arts and entrepreneurship, arts and climate change, and arts and mental health. The regional coordinator for Value Health Africa, Mr. Livancliff Mbianke explained the importance of arts in achieving optimum mental health especially post-traumatic events.

He then taught the young people breathing exercises to for a sound mind and how to engage in mindfulness thinking. On the 17th of April, the young artists gathered at U-complex in Limbe where they displayed several artistic talents and cultural practices such as t.shirt designing, plastic reuse into home decorations, cultural dance, music, and games. In the evening the youths gathered around the campfire where they were told several African stories by the elderly people. Youths were also engaged in a series of meditation and yoga exercises by VAHA regional coordinator.


The objective of this project was to promote a sound mind among youths most of whom have been victims of the ongoing Anglophone crisis. The youths were very excited and extremely glad about the exercises and most felt very happy and confessed to feeling much better after the exercises.