Control Clinic

Recently, there have been an increase in the number of amputations, blindness, kidney failure cases and other complications stemming from Diabetes and High blood pressure, most of which are either as a result of late diagnosis or poor management of the laters. As a means to overcome this pain, Value Health Africa has embarked on creating control clinics in underserved communities, to bring infromation resources, Diagnosis and management closer to the people. So far, we have installed 3 control clinics (Mendankwe, Balikumbat  and Guzang) in the North west region of Cameroon as a means to improve on; access to care, education and medications for Diabetes and hypertensive patients.

These Clinics are not only saving lives in these communities but are also providing jobs to young people. We look forward to span across the entire country in order to reduce this pain and suffering.

CLICK HERE to Donate, so we could create many more clinics and safe lives