Safe womanhood project

this project has as goal to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights for girls and women. We will be targeting our interventions towards improving reproductive health for pregnant women and girls, preventing sexually transmissible diseases, gender-based violence and sexual exploitation amongst women and young girls. Our strategy includes; • Hosting Radio and television programs were different women will share their stories and best practices in taking control over their reproductive health and rights. • Organizing community sensitization campaigns on gender-based violence (GBV) and also supporting the creation of channels for the reporting cases of GBV and sexual exploitation while bringing perpetrators to justice. • Provision of psychosocial support to victims of GBV and SEA. • Setting up of perinatal Psychosocial support clinic in different hospitals where ANC and maternity services are available for the identification and management of perinatal depression. • Organize community screening programs to detect HIV cases promptly and link them to treatment and care. So far VAHA has conducted several community sensitizations on GBV and safe menstruation benefiting over 1million women and young girls. The next five years will be focused on providing support for the most advantaged women in overcoming GBV while fighting other sociocultural practices keeping women in chains. We are equally working with human right organizations and social services to get justice and social support for these women. Our target is supporting 3000pregnant women access psychosocial support services, 3000 victims of GBV and in 500 communities reaching 5million young girls.