Yega Nelsa NABILA

Public Health Nutritionist

Yega Nelsa Nabila has over 2years of experience in Food-science and Public Health Nutrition. Currently, she volunteers as a Nutritionist and sexual and reproductive health coordinator for adolescents at Value Health Africa and works as Public health nutritionist with Cameroon Medical Women Association. Her work is focused on reducing the burden of Non-communicable diseases (Diabetes and Hypertension) and HIV/AIDS by educating the community on adopting healthy feeding and healthy lifestyle habits. Through this, she has made numerous strides in the nutritional space, one of which is the development of a nutrition-tool kit adopted and used by several organizations for the education of patients with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and HIV/AIDS within the NW-region of Cameroon. She is also running an online platform with over 5000viewers on Healthy-lifestyle ( where she educates the general public on adopting healthy practices.


Yega holds a Bachelor’s degree in foodscience and Technology and she is driven by her passion for reducing the burden of NCDs in local/disadvantaged communities. Given that by 2030, Africa will have more deaths resulting from NCDs, she plans on using her acquired leadership skills to setup Healthy-lifestyle clubs within secondary/high schools and universities as a way of initiating a movement of young ambassadors who will champion the fight against NCDs by adopting healthy practices.