Improving maternal health care services in rural areas by VAHA
The maternal mortality rate remains very high in Cameroon. In 2020, Cameroon's mortality rate stood at 529/100,000 live births and reports suggest that the actual reality may be worse than that. The main causes of maternal deaths were associated with Post-Partum hemorrhage, placenta previa, Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia. Despite these deaths being highly preventable, the Knowledge gap among birth attendants and lack of adequate resources is spanning the wave of MMR.
This year, Value Health Africa is focused on improving maternal health care services in rural areas of the South West Region. VAHA launched a project termed " Capacity Building for Birth attendants" aimed at providing knowledge, equipment, and other resources to help assist birth attendants in offering adequate Maternal care.
The 13th of October 2021 saw the first workshop for birth attendants on " Active Management of Third Stage of Labour and common birth complications.
Birth attendants all across 28 health facilities in the Limbe Health District gathered in the Limbe Regional Hospital conference hall and exchange their ideas with specialists and lecturers from Central Queensland University Australia.
We salute the collaboration of the District Medical Officer, Dr. Constance Njie for her continuous support to NGOs like us and thank all the birth attendants for taking out time to learn and share ideas